Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Grievances and Insulting My Fan-dom

Culpepper has filed a grievance. Ah, shucks. The news involving this little battle royale is in full supply, and the speculation is endless. It will end with Daunte done in Miami, so let's move on. Please.

Anyway, I had a few thoughts on Ethan Skolnick's column the other day. I make sure to read whatever he puts out there because, in my opinion, he's the best Phins reporter out there.

As the headline states, the fan sympathy for Daunte is quite "puzzling". Last season, he could have taken a dump on the 50-yard line to help fertilize the field, and that would have been more productive for the organization. Yet, most fans are quite sympathetic, which is fine. I, for one, admit that I feel for the guy. But enough about Daunte and I. I want Ethan to call me out as a fan.
"These are the some of the same fans, after all, who envy the Patriots, the undisputed leaders in inflexible stances."
Guilty. Next.

"These are some of the same fans who called Olindo Mare a whiner as he waited several agonizing weeks for the Dolphins to trade him after acquiring his replacement -- and who characterized that business as good rather than cold when it produced a sixth-round pick."
Nope. I liked and will always appreciate Olindo, even though he shat the bed last year. Next.

"These are some of the same fans who showed no sympathy to any number of Dolphins, with hard-playing Jay Fiedler earning 37 wins but no benefit. Just doubts and curses."
In regard to Fiedler, you got the doubts and curses part but forgot tantrums, death threats, drinking binges, smashed television sets, wall-punching fits, voodoo dolls and more tantrums.

In other news, the guys over at the Sun Sentinel are posting regular mini-cap recaps on their blog. At last, some on-the-field news. Enjoy.

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